What We Do
Our business and technical professionals are committed to helping private and public sector organizations adopt, utilize, and manage technology to deliver trusted, high-value digital services. Our people are motivated by the outcomes realized by our clients as they evolve through successful digital transformation initiatives.

Lean Innovation
and Strategy
Our lean approach to innovation turns great ideas into vibrant, viable programs and offerings.
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Design Thinking
and User Experience
Our design thinking and user experience services create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences for our clients.
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and Deployment
Using an agile approach, we offer leading architecture and development resources to complement our digital transformation projects.
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Blockchain and Ecosystem Building
We build blockchain-based trust ecosystems that support service delivery improvement and expansion.
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Digital Identity Management
By leveraging our vast identity management expertise, our clients build trusted online relationships.
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The Becker-Carroll Advantage
We Bring Order
to Chaos
Our years of experience delivering an array of digital transformation projects makes us the first company our clients call when they need to solve problems; regardless of the size or complexity.
We Deliver
in the Last Mile
Delivering digital transformation projects can be complicated, but Becker-Carroll works collaboratively with clients and partners to bring them to successful completion; even during the final difficult phases.
We Supply
Proven Resources
Our team is made up of some of the leading experts in areas such as: digital identity, trust ecosystems and innovation management. Our years of experience provide a depth and breadth of knowledge that can be transformational.
The Power
of Converge
As a Converge Company, we can bring to bear the expertise of hundreds of leading Converge technology experts from across North America to offer the best in digital transformation solutions.

Our Insights
Digital Privacy: Why We Need Clear Notice & Consent Protocols and Trust Frameworks
George Watt | April 28, 2020
When was the last time you read the full terms of service or privacy policy for an app? Have you ever read them? When you received notice they changed, did you read the new ones?
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The Importance
of Digital Hygiene
George Watt | March 17, 2020
As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is broadening globally, both the private sector and the public sector have taken action to address its public health impact and to dampen its effect on the quality of life of their citizens and employees.
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How Can We Help?
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Send us an email.